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"Thank you for a beautiful concert sung to a high standard, and of repertoire seldom

heard in such a fine live performance" - Jim, audience member


"Gorgeous blend. Delicious “crunchy” chords with wonderful tuning. Very interesting repertoire."

-Myrna, audience member

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Social Sundays IV: Singing for Your Cider

Sunday, August 4, 2019, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Bold Rock Hard Cider 1120 Rockfish Valley Hwy, Nellysford, VA, 22958  (map)


Come enjoy the delicious brunch at Bold Rock while hearing choral chamber music at its finest.


This is a Pay What You Want Event; no tickets required. Please arrive early to order your brunch and beverages at Bold Rock and enjoy the performance!

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The Piedmont Singers of Central VA present

Heaven in a Wildflower:

A Choral Meditation



Heaven in a Wildflower

Molnar Auditorium, Wygal Hall

Longwood University Chamber Music Series


Sunday, September 8, 4 PM

404 Race Street, Farmville


free, open to the public


parking available on

Race St, Franklin St, or

Wynne Drive

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Past Performances

April 6, 2019

7:30pm, Pope Chapel

Christopher Newport University

Newport News, Virginia


A Phoenix Reborn:

A Concert of Previously Unedited Music

for Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz's Loa 380




September 2018/January 2019

Richmond, VA

Hampden-Sydney, VA

Williamsburg, VA

music of Szymko, Gjeilo, Gregorio, Hagen, Runestand and others



June 2018

VMFA, Richmond, VA


music of Mendelssohn and P​ärt

in collaboration with Classical Revolutions, RVA


Piedmont Singers- Alpha and Omega Poster

August 2017

ArtSpace Gallery, Richmond,

Hampden-Sydney, Charlottesville


music of Erik Esenvalds, Melissa Dunphy, Gregg Smith, Ben Folds  â€‹


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August 2016

Richmond, Hampden-Sydney, Charlottesville, VA



music of Alain, Mäntyjarvi, Barber, Arlen 



2019 Audition Information: Alto Auditions Thursday May 2nd and Sunday, May 5th


Thank you for your interest in auditioning with the Piedmont Singers!  In May 2019, we are auditioning for an alto position. 


Audition Requirements


  • Quartet Audition (prepared- music provided ahead of time)

  • Vocalise/warm-up demonstrating range and accuracy

  • Sight-reading

  • Resume detailing musical experience

  • Name and contact information for a reference who can speak to your sight-reading, musicality, and professionalism

  • Recording or live performance of a solo piece (accompanied or a cappella are both acceptable.  Please demonstrate a vocal technique you would use in ensemble singing. No accompanist provided, but you may bring your own)


Email your intention to audition to Helena von Rueden at  Please indicate your preferred voice part (A1, A2) in your email.  Upon receipt of your emailed materials, you will be sent music to prepare for the quartet audition.



Audition Schedule


Live auditions will be scheduled on Thursday May 2nd and Sunday May 5th in Richmond.  You will be given an approximate audition time, within a 30-minute window.  There may be an option of non-live auditions or a secondary audition time to be scheduled, but not guaranteed.  Contact Helena for details. 



Rehearsal/Performance Schedule


The Piedmont Singers presents a series of three concerts in August/September after 4-5 rehearsals over the summer.  Locations vary within central Virginia, but are mostly in Richmond and Farmville.  Scheduling is done via online surveys and tries to accommodate all singers’ schedules, within reason.  The current season’s schedule is set with rehearsals in the summer and performances in August and September.  Serious candidates will be provided a schedule once they have contacted the ensemble with an audition request and will need to be able to make currently scheduled rehearsals and performance dates.



Payment and Travel Reimbursement


Compensation is competitive with other professional chorus rates in the region.  A modest travel reimbursement per singer per season for travel over 50 miles from your home city. 



Performance/Rehearsal Expectations


This group sings together because we are all in love with close ensemble singing at a high level.  While compensation is provided in recognition of the professional and committed level of music-making that occurs in the group, this is not why we sing together.  Our audiences regularly comment that they can tell we love singing together- the choral art is our passion.


Singers are expected to thoroughly learn their music on their own before rehearsals begin.  The rehearsals are for unity of interpretation, balance, phrasing, and not note-learning.  You must be able to hold your part on your own in eight-part a cappella texture with sometimes unexpected harmonic language.




Volunteer Opportunities


This is a new ensemble with a lot of potential for leadership roles within the group.  We are looking for friends of the ensemble to be involved on a volunteer basis in the logistics of establishing an organization to support the work of The Piedmont Singers.  Please contact us if you are interested in this side of the work (singers or non-singers alike!).   

  © 2022 by The Piedmont Singers 

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